November Update

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Another smooth run of submissions for November.

Once again we’d like to thank the offices of Senator Gerrard Rennick and Luke Howarth MP for gracefully accepting our final submissions of evidence.

Remember to let us know if you have evidence of cover-ups and corruption in the greyhound racing industry by emailing us at:

Sign the petition and show your support for cleaning up the greyhound racing industry and for all:

And watch this space for updates on how the endgame unfolds, once we push matters all the way through to the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

phoenix taskforce petition

Your voice adds invaluable weight to the push for a Royal Commission into the cover-ups and corruption of the Greyhound Racing Industry and their government connections. The animals and the greyhounds deserve better. Sign the petition to show your support.

Click here to download a PDF copy of the full petition terms.

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