Queensland police shout-out

Many thanks and appreciation to the Qld Police, the Public, my clients, and the honest people in Government Departments for your patience and support in cleaning up the cover-ups and corruption of the Greyhound Racing Industry. God Bless.

~ John “Doc” Jamieson (CEO)

phoenix taskforce petition

Your voice adds invaluable weight to the push for a Royal Commission into the cover-ups and corruption of the Greyhound Racing Industry and their government connections. The animals and the greyhounds deserve better. Sign the petition to show your support.

Click here to download a PDF copy of the full petition terms.

latest videos

Sweeping It Under The Rug As the end of the year rolled in the Phoenix Taskforce was very busy following up with the final contingent of Senators and MPs who’d received Doc Jamieson’s submissions of evidence in the last quarter of 2023, showing just how deep the apathy goes, and just how lax our

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November Update Another smooth run of submissions for November. Once again we’d like to thank the offices of Senator Gerrard Rennick and Luke Howarth MP for gracefully accepting our final submissions of evidence. Remember to let us know if you have evidence of cover-ups and corruption in the greyhound racing industry

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Doc vs Chiropractors Board – Part 4 In this video, we continue on from the settlement conference of 2014 to detail the ongoing legal games and sabotage that occurred afterward, eventually leading to the complete shutdown and striking out of Doc’s defamation suit against the board. Finally, we showcase the ongoing intimidation and harassment that has

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Smooth As Silk – October Update October deliveries were the smoothest ever as things continue hotting up behind the scenes with the NACC, that’s the National Anti Corruption Commission coming online earlier this year, and with corrupted ministerial offices starting to the heat. After delivering Part 1 of Doc Jamieson’s evidence in August to the

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Doc vs Chiropractors Board – Part 3

In this video we go into the further legal games, delays, run-arounds, and all round sabotage Doc had to fight through in pursuing compensation from the board for the millions in legal costs and damages he had sustained after they posted a false statement saying that Doc was found guilty

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Doc vs Chiropractors Board – Part 2

Continuing on from the previous video where Doc was found not guilty and won the case against the Chiropractors Board of Queensland, here we show how the Board (on behalf of the Greyhound Racing Authority) continued their attack on Doc by posting a false public statement saying that Doc was

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